Thursday, March 27, 2014

"Body Shaming"

I know it has been a while since I have blogged. For a while, it seemed that the tunnel we were in had no end, and it was beginning to wear on us as individuals, and as a family. Luckily, God provided a step out of that tunnel and we have been able to return to  a pretty stable place, with hope of becoming even more stable soon.

I have been on a journey to better health for over a year now and during the last few months, I have really started to accelerate in the weight loss department this year, as my thyroid is finally functioning optimally (for now, at least) and I have re-surrendered my struggle with food to the Lord.

Because I really become encouraged and motivated by motivational fitness images, articles and success stories, I often find myself knee-deep in the ongoing societal controversy about fitness inspiration, vs. promoting eating disorders, vs. fat shaming, skinny shaming, etc... And quite honestly, I think anyone who is paying any attention would agree that it's all gotten ridiculously out of hand. People are SO eager to be offended that a simple compliment about ones' level of fitness can be turned into "fat-shaming." Or noting that someone is extremely thin becomes "skinny-shaming." I have even personally been attacked from other heavy, or plus-size women that believe that my efforts to pursue a healthier life are proof that I "hate" my body or theirs.

I am being very honest when I say this: you will never hear me say "I hate my body." Why? Because it's simply not true. I love my body, even though I am uncomfortable with how unhealthy it has become. My body has allowed me to aid in the creation of TWO miracles; my two healthy, beautiful children! My stomach is covered in stretch marks and will probably never be magazine-cover worthy, but those stripes represent a gift I was given, that several women are not. My body has two legs and two arms that allow me to do everything I need to do in my daily life, including chasing my rambunctious almost-three year old and squeeze both of them full of love multiple times a day. My body has two eyes and two ears that allow me to take in God's creation all around me. This is not to say that it is perfect, because it isn't. I have a thyroid which refuses to function consistently, frequent migraines and a large amount of body fat that I don't need. But you will never hear me say that I hate it.

All of that is to say, my journey to better health has nothing to do with my disapproval of myself or my body type. Because I love my body, I want to care for it better, so that it can function as well as possible for as long as possible. God made it, Jesus died for it, the Holy Spirit lives in it, so I better take care of it.

As far as "body shaming..." you can only feel the effects of that if you are ashamed to begin with. I'm not. :)

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