Tuesday, September 8, 2015

I'm a Christian, But...

A few days ago, a video produced by Buzzfeed started circulating and quickly got wildly popular. The video featured a few different people from different lifestyles and ethnic backgrounds attempting to debunk some of the negative, but popular opinions about Christians in today's society. Though I can appreciate the sentiment here, and I admittedly would've supported such a video a few years ago, I have recently been deeply convicted about what being a christian in today's world actually means. With all the social issues that are at large right now in America, and all the disappointment that has spurred from prominent Christian activists publicly falling, I think we need a conversation with non-believers about what Christianity actually is. Unfortunately, I don't think this video was a good starting point, because anything that does not align with scripture cannot properly represent Christianity, plain and simple.

In Romans, Paul gives the instruction, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then, you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will." We live in a world that's message has evolved from, "if it feels good, do it!" to, "if it feels good, identify yourself as it." Twice in the new testament it is written, "You cannot serve two masters." Simply put, we cannot seek to please ourselves/become more like the world, and also be striving to please God and become more like Him. One cannot make their sexual preferences their core priority and the pinnacle of their identity and also proclaim that they are striving to be more like them. Regardless of what one's affliction may be, our obligation as believers is to surrender said affliction and allow Christ to shine through our weaknesses, and create in us a new identity which will never leave us as unfulfilled as the things of this world will. If our mission while on earth is to lead others to Him, we cannot say "it's OK to continue living in the mud, because God loves you anyway." Our message needs to be, "it's OK if you've been living in the mud - so was I! But I have a relationship with Christ that allowed me to step out of the mud, to get cleaned off, and to live a much more free and happy life!"

Believing that the word of God is steadfast and non-negotiable does not make you closed-minded, un-accepting, uneducated, judgmental, ignorant, or that you're placing yourself on a pedestal. Believing that there are black and white truths does not make you closed minded. It is possible to believe that homosexuality is not God's best for us, while simultaneously loving our gay neighbor. It is possible to believe that any sort of promiscuity is not God's best for us, while simultaneously loving our friend who is searching for love through physical affirmation. Our beliefs and our heart for nonbelievers should not be mutually exclusive. Our biblically-based beliefs ought to inspire and motivate us to share these truths with those around us who are living in sin because we want them to experience the same freedom we have found.

I am a Christian - and I believe that God loves everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, lifestyle, background, choices, addictions and hangups, and that because of His love for us, He gave His life so that we too could ALL be made clean through His grace. I believe that Christ desires for us to live a life that is unencumbered by past hurts, bad habits, and hangups, and that He can help us do so by making us more like Him.

I am a Christian - and I believe that we do not need modern-day feminism, because we serve a God who deeply cares for an advocates for all women. We serve a God who, during His time on earth, sought out the women who had been cast out of society, and sat and had fellowship with them, and advocated for them to the men who wanted to punish them for their promiscuous lifestyles. I believe that the instructions about our bodies, sexuality, and relationships were put in place to protect our hearts and our souls, to help us avoid shame which does not come from Christ.

I am a Christian - and I believe that we ought to be responsible for our lifestyle choices, and for the consequences (good and bad) that come from those choices.

I am a Christian - and I acknowledge that there are times when other believers have done a disservice to the world's impression of our belief system. There are times when we have been unloving and cold. There have been times that people within the church have been downright cruel to those that were hurting. This is not the way that it should be, and if you are reading this having been burned by a church or its members, please know that we are imperfect, and we are sorry. But there is a God who loves you dearly, and you can rest assured that He is willing to meet you where you're at and help you heal.

"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love, honor one another before yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with those that are in need. Practice hospitality... If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12


  1. Amen one thousand times over. Brilliant post and I concur completely.

  2. I wish this would go viral. I'll do my part. Best treatise I've read in a long time. Love what God is doing in your heart and your ability to express it. Love you, Bekah.
